Let’s Do A New Thing Together!

United Methodist Youth is a collective of youth workers across North Alabama, whose goal is to continue to unify our churches and youth ministries through networking, resourcing and worship.

All youth ministries of the UMCNA (students, youth workers, and adult volunteers alike) are invited to join together in a month-long series, and within the month, gather together for fellowship and worship.

Our goal is to provide a month’s worth of curriculum (including speaker outlines, small group curriculum, graphics, and games) to any church that wishes to participate, and within the month, a one day gathering that is open to all students, youth ministries, workers, and volunteers in the North Alabama Conference of the UMC.


North Alabama Youth Worker Zoom Gathering

North Alabama Youth Workers! Join us for a Zoom meeting on Thursday, May 16th from 10am-12pm to dream together about what Conference Youth Ministry can be. Let's unite to cultivate a vibrant network of support, care, and innovation. Together, let's shape the future of youth ministry in North Alabama! Mark your calendars and join us for a brainstorming session so we can hear from YOU about your needs, wants, hopes, and dreams of conference youth ministry.

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Last fall!

Watch Our Video

We had an incredible first UNITED Gathering and month in October 2023! Check out the highlight video below and be sure to join us for Spring 2024 Zoom Gathering!

Register Now!
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COMPLETELY FREE FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS AND CHURCHES! Made Possible by the North Alabama Conference and Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church.


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